
Vivian Leigh once said that,

Life is too short to work so hard.”   [Tweet This Thought].

In keeping with these periods of time available to us in short supply, I present to you something short to inspire you, 50 words to be precise.

Six years. Finally, Zack’s startup was showing some promise. Zack was tired – no salary or vacation for months and usually no weekends. “You could easily have made a lot of money elsewhere.” his friend remarked. Zack smiled, “But the chance to leave your footprints somewhere – before anyone else, is priceless.”


18 thoughts on “Footprints”

  1. Welcome to my Blog Shivani. Glad you liked the stuff here and the thoughts presented in the post.
    You have some profound thoughts in your blog as well. Keep up the good work.
    Do keep visiting Shivani 🙂


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